What Are the Advantages of Outpatient Drug Addiction Treatment Programs?

Outpatient drug addiction treatment programs are often offered to people who have first completed an inpatient drug addiction treatment program. They may stay at an inpatient treatment facility for several months and then continue with an outpatient treatment program for as long as necessary to keep them on the right path to remaining drug-free. Many who have attended outpatient drug addiction treatment programs have been very successful at staying clean and sober, and these are some of the advantages this type of treatment has to offer.

Plenty of Support

An outpatient drug addiction treatment program has a lot of support staff who are ready and willing to help patients at any time needed. In most cases, a patient will have a sponsor he or she can contact whenever they need someone to talk to or if they need extra help getting through the day without using drugs. These programs also have regular meetings with counselors and group therapy meetings that patients are required to attend. 


If a patient wants to obtain employment or go to school while also attending outpatient treatment, this is possible because the meetings can be scheduled to coincide with a work or school schedule. Some outpatient drug addiction treatment programs will also help patients find a job or go to school once they have remained drug free for a specific period of time. This helps patients contribute to society again so they are better able to move beyond their previous unhealthy lifestyles. 

Spending Time With Family

When participating in an inpatient drug addiction treatment program, it is not uncommon for patients to go for several months without seeing their family members. This is because the patients need to be completely focused on their recovery. However, once inpatient treatment is completed and outpatient treatment begins, patients will be able to see their family members on a regular basis again. Some patients may go home and live with family members as long as it is a healthy environment. Other patients may go to what is called a sober living home where they may have visits from family members on occasion.

The main goal of outpatient drug addiction treatment is to help patients stay off drugs even though they are no longer being fully supervised by treatment specialists. Patients need to learn to be independent, responsible, and to hold themselves accountable so they will have a healthier, more successful life.
